My cute little Monita =)

My cute little Monita =)

Friday, September 11, 2009


Well, I didn't leave in Santiago when the Transantiago started, so I wasn't acquainted with the "old" system. I kind of went acknowledged with that when I started University, and by that time, some of my friends and classmates told me that the system had indeed improved, even though it still isn't very well...

My mother worked in Santiago before Transantiago's plan was implemented, and she prefered that system, because she worked here until about two months after Transantiago was implemented, so she was able to compare.

By the way, based on my mother's experience, and the user's opinion, the old system was better, since the buses did their routes and they could stop whenever the passenger wanted.

The bad thing with the old system was, basically the payment way and the bad attitudes of some drivers. First of all, when people didn't had coins to pay the ticket (as we say in Chile "sencillo"), usually the driver didn't let you take his bus, because he neither had enough money to give change ("vuelto") nor he wanted to make such a delayable transaction.
Point for Transantiago for Bip's card set up.
It allows you to charge it with any amount of money that you want (up to $800 in BIP, and up to $300 in TNE), and because of this, you don't have to worry for the payment!
Second, people says that now, the students and elders are less discriminated. I can't say yes or no, because I don't have friends in school in Santiago who have tested both systems, and neither do I have my grandparents in there.

What do I have to criticize, it's the people's attitude when they run out of money in their BIP's. This is most frequently in our University's area, i think. People usually don't even show their cards! They just pass under the metallic bars, and even take a seat! I get very upset when this happens, but I have to bite my tongue if I want to have a safe and "nice" trip to home.

I don't know if the government could hire some inspectors, in order to stop this practices, but I also think that, that would be even more risky, because maybe some people wouldn't accept it, and it could end in some kind of fight or nasty argument.

What I know for sure is that, Transantiago could've been a very clever plan, but they hurried up it too much, and Santiago wasn't ready to resist it.


  1. HI COTA: how are you? well, me too went to santiago after that transantiago started, and i hear the same things, the new system is better than old system.

  2. jajjaja i am not agree why am i the only one who loves the faster buses? XD
    jajja, i was waiting you write about transantiago, i know it difficult for you because you weren`t in this city before :(

    well i hope you enjoy this holidays as me, studing micro Dx!!!

    mizz brenda

  3. hi my dear friend!
    I don't get how is possible you enjoy those caterpillar/accordion buses!! whatever, good for you I guess xD
    anyway, the system really isn't bad, but people are too baaaaaaaad!!!...ok ok, not all the people, like you for example :)
    I hope you've had a good holiday, now it's time to return to our tedious student lives :S
    take care!

  4. Well, I didn't leave in Santiago when the Transantiago started, so I wasn't acquainted with the "old" system. I kind of went acknowledged with that when I started University, and by that time, some of my friends and classmates told me that the system had indeed improved, even though it still isn't very well...

    My mother worked in Santiago before Transantiago's plan was implemented, and she prefered that system, because she worked here until about two months after Transantiago was implemented, so she was able to compare.

    By the way, based on my mother's experience, and the user's opinion, the old system was better, since the buses did their routes and they could stop whenever the passenger wanted.

    The bad thing with the old system was, basically the payment way and the bad attitudes of some drivers. First of all, when people didn't WF had coins to pay the ticket (as we say in Chile CASH "sencillo"), usually the driver didn't let you take ^his bus, because he neither had enough money to give change ("vuelto") nor he wanted to make such a delayable transaction.
    Point for Transantiago for Bip's card set up.
    It allows you to charge it with any amount of money that you want (up to $800 in BIP, and up to $300 in TNE), and because of this, you don't have to worry for the payment!
    Second, people SVA says that now, the students and elders are less discriminated. I can't say yes or no, because I don't have friends in school in Santiago who have tested both systems, and neither do I have my grandparents in there.

    What do I have to criticize, it's the people's attitude when they run out of money in their BIP's. This is most frequently in our University's area, i think. People usually don't even show their cards! They just pass under the metallic bars, and even take a seat! I get very upset when this happens, but I have to bite my tongue if I want to have a safe and "nice" trip to home.

    I don't know if the government could hire some inspectors, in order to stop this practices, but I also think that, that would be even more risky, because maybe some people wouldn't accept it, and it could end in some kind of fight or nasty argument.

    What I know for sure is that, Transantiago could've been a very clever plan, but they hurried up it too much, and Santiago wasn't ready to resist it.

    good! I agree that maybe we´re not ready for such a thing...
    Regarding English, there is an expression in English for sana y salva which is safe and sound. Check the other corrections...
    regards and well done

    p.s. you got a 7

  5. cota!!! now i'm listening Augustana; I can't understand why I never get bored with "Boston" song.
    Well... i just passed here to hi you...
    so... HELLO!

